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©04/05/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for: let us gather at the river of lifeVerbatim references: None Come, let us gather at the river of life that flows from the
Throne of The Everlasting Father in Heaven and be baptized into its life giving
power. For it has the power to resurrect us from death unto life
spiritually as well as physically at the end of time. Brethren, in times past each of us was spiritually dead in
the trespasses of our sins and darkness blinded our eyes, but Jesus resurrected
us from death unto life and now we live. This life giving power continues to flow through our lives
renewing us daily like the blood that flows through our veins. As you have begun in the Spirit also walk ye in the Spirit,
for you are made perfect by the Spirit. Brethren, we live because He lives.