©04/29/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
Walk the pathway of righteousness
Verbatim references:
Et sic de similibus references:
Stand fast in all that Christ Jesus had spoken unto you
either by the word or by His Spirit. Walk the pathway of righteousness with hearts abounding
with virtue all the days of your life.
(Scripture references under construction)
Be kind to all men, even to those who are cruel to you. Bless all men and speak of their good, even of those who
have cursed you and have spoken ill of you. Do good to all men, even unto those
who hate you and done evil toward you.
(Scripture references under construction)
Let Jesus Christ and God our Father defend you with their
infinite resources of power and might. Brethren, if God chose not to defend us we would all suffer
the same calamities of Job.
(Scripture references under construction)
Jesus said, "All power is given
unto me in Heaven and the earth."
(Scripture references under construction)