Abiding in Christ August 01 of Abiding in Christ

The word of the Lord is powerful and mighty

The word of the Lord is powerful and mighty and it can change the lives and hearts of all who believe.

Hearken unto His words and listen to His Voice.

Apply its precepts to your life and let it order your steps.

Make His words the center of your life and the foundation of your faith.

A faith built on anything else but the wholesome words of Jesus Christ is but sinking sand.

The words of the Lamb of God is a solid rock that will stand firm in face of all the storms of life and it will never fail but remain forever and ever.

Heaven and earth will pass away but His words will never pass away.

Brethren, put your trust in the words of Jesus Christ and put aside all doubts and fears and miracles will abound and mountains will be moved.
©08/01/2001 Jim Welch

Original URL:  http://AbidinginChrist.seranates.com