Scriptural references for:

appreciate the beauty of life

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©08/14/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

appreciate the beauty of life

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Be anxious in nothing and do every task as if it were the only task you had to do.
(Scripture references under construction)

Learn to enjoy doing rather than finishing.
(Scripture references under construction)

He who enjoys the doing proceeds with patience and begins to see beauty everywhere and in everything.
(Scripture references under construction)

He who seeks only to finish never even enjoys the finishing but is always in a race against time.
(Scripture references under construction)

Life becomes a tread mill to those who do not learn to enjoy the doing.
(Scripture references under construction)

They are always in a hurry to get to where they are going and are in a hurry to leave when they get there.
(Scripture references under construction)

They proceed with the rational that if only they could finish all the tasks on their check off list they would at last find a brief moment of happiness.
(Scripture references under construction)

They become like unto a dog chasing it's own tail.
(Scripture references under construction)

Brethren, take the time to appreciate the beauty of life.
(Scripture references under construction)