Scriptural references for:

allow Jesus to make you holy

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©08/19/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

allow Jesus to make you holy

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

The purpose of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, being sent into this world was, is and always will be to reconcile the souls of men to God the Father.
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It is through Christ and Christ alone that we can be reconciled to God the Father.
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There is no other name in Heaven, in earth or under the earth by which we can be saved, but the Name of Jesus Christ.
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No one can come to God the Father by any other means except by Jesus Christ.
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Brethren, be not deceived or misled by reasoning or by logic or any other means.
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Jesus Christ, alone, has the power to purify and make holy our corrupted and defiled lives.
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For this reason He came to purify and purge our lives from sin and to present us without spot or blemish before God our Father.
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Brethren, you must allow Jesus to make you holy.
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You cannot remain in your sin and be saved.
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