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©02/06/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for: Lift up the standard of Jesus ChristVerbatim references: None Lift up the standard of Jesus Christ all ye saints
and go marching, marching into Zion,
Zion the beautiful City of God. Come all ye faithful and joyful, let us gather together on
that distant shore. We are pilgrims passing through this world on our way to the
land of promise and paradise where dwelleth love and peace
forevermore. Even now you can see a distant glimpse of God's Holy
City by dawn's early Light, the
Spirit of Truth, poured out unto us and freely given by the Father to all who ask of Him. The Spirit of Truth (The Holy
Ghost) will show you visions and revelations of the City of Glory,
bright and shining, our everlasting and eternal home. Set your affections on the things that are in the Kingdom
of Heaven and not on the things of
earth. Hallelujah.