Scriptural references for:

In all things God is first

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in Como Park Conservatory
Saint Paul Minnesota
©02/12/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

In all things God is first

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Precious in the sight of God are those whose minds are stayed on Him.
(Scripture references under construction)

They have made God their first love and in all things God is first.
(Scripture references under construction)

These be the first fruits of God's harvest and to these God bestows unlimited wisdom and power.
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They waver not in their allegiance to God because their love for God is greater then their love for anything else or anyone else.
(Scripture references under construction)

In all things God is first in their lives.
(Scripture references under construction)

They die to themselves daily and their aspiration is to do the will of God in all that they do.
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Because they desire to please God they diligently purge their lives of corruption and sin, so that they may ever grow closer and closer to Him.
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For their delight is in God and God delights in them.
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