Scriptural references for:

Hold fast to your faith in Jesus Christ

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©02/25/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Hold fast to your faith in Jesus Christ

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Hold fast to your faith in Jesus Christ, Whose words are a solid foundation, a rock, that is able to keep you from falling when buffeted by the storms and trials of life.
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Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will never pass away, but will remain filled with power and truth forever.
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Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, in Him you can safely trust.
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He came into the world to be the Light of the world and to be the hope of all mankind.
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In Him we can safely trust.
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He is the Door, the Gate, that leads to Heaven and everlasting life, through Him we can be saved.
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Brethren, let the words of Jesus Christ be your guide, the road map by which you make the decisions of your life.*
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