Scriptural references for:

Send your angels of mercy

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©02/28/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Send your angels of mercy

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Send your angels of mercy to uplift my life with their living and merciful ministries, oh Lord.
(Scripture references under construction)

Change my life from corruption to purity of heart and from a life of defeat to a life full of spiritual victories by Your Grace, oh Lord.
(Scripture references under construction)

Send your Spirit of Truth to teach me all things and to bring to my remembrance all things you have spoken that I may increase in wisdom and understanding, Oh Lord.
(Scripture references under construction)

Allow me to stand before your Holy Throne in Heaven, refined seven times by the trial of the fire of purification, so I may offer up prayers on behalf of Your children who are in need everywhere that I may be a benefit to them in some small way, Oh Lord.
(Scripture references under construction)

Transform me from being a man of corruption to a fire brand of purifying flame in Your service, Oh Lord.
(Scripture references under construction)