Scriptural references for:

Jesus will never rob you of your wages

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©1/22/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Jesus will never rob you of your wages

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Unlike earth's system of injustice, in the Kingdom of Heaven justice always prevails.

On earth the working poor rarely enjoy or benefit from the fruits of their own labor, but all things you do for the Kingdom of God you will receive at the end of time a just reward.

Brethren, your earthly labors only profits the rich man and what little he pays you is taken in taxes by the earth's corrupt governments.

Everything you do for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ reaps a great bounty in the hereafter.
Yet so very few people take the time to participate in the work of our precious Savior when the treasures for doing so is so great.

Let us then, dear brothers and sisters, work for Jesus all the days of our lives.
Jesus will never rob you of your wages.