Scriptural references for:

Remain diligently faithful to the Lord

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©07/11/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Remain diligently faithful to the Lord

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Et sic de similibus references:

Hold fast to the truth, neither turning to the left nor to the right; but remain steadfast to what God by His Spirit has taught you.
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Remain diligently faithful to the Lord in all things and compromise nothing in order gain to some personal advantage.
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Let your delight ever be in the things of God and not in the superficial pleasures of the world.
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Brethren, real joy does not come by earthly riches nor by personal victories; but only by walking hand in Hand with God.
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Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and only be walking in the Spirit does joy flow.
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Joy, real joy, than is the evidence of God's Presence in your life.
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If you have lost the joy of your salvation you have no doubt departed from God.
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Return to God and your joy will be full.
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