Scriptural references for:

are you ready to meet the Lord?

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©06/14/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

are you ready to meet the Lord?

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Et sic de similibus references:

Let the trumpets sound and let the voices of angels sing and God, Himself, will descend with a shout and the dead in Christ shall arise from their graves to ascend up to meet the Heavenly Host in the sky.
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Arise, Arise, God will shout and the Elect of God from all generations shall be gathered from the four winds, from the time of the ancients to the present time, they shall be assembled into the far reaches of Heaven's Glory.
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Rejoice, Rejoice, all ye Christians and all ye saints for that day, that glorious day, soon, very soon will be here.
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Brethren, are you prepared for that day, are you ready to meet the Lord?
When the Lord comes will He find you laying up treasures in Heaven or in the earth?

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Get ready!
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