Abiding in Christ June 30 of Abiding in Christ

Let the coals of the fire of zeal be rekindled

Let the coals of the fire of zeal be rekindled within me that the lamp of Your light of truth once again would brightly shine through me, Oh Lord.

Restore to me the joy of my salvation and let my ears hear the voices of the angels of Heaven sing.
Let me go through life with a song in my heart, rejoicing, rejoicing all the day long.

I am on my way to the Promised Land, the Promised Land, Praise God, Hallelujah!
Oh who will come and go with me, for I am on my way to the Promised Land of God?

Let all His people break forth with singing and let their hearts be filled with joy for Jesus Christ is coming, He is coming very soon!
Sing Hosanna, Hosanna, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


©06/30/2001 Jim Welch

Original URL:  http://AbidinginChrist.seranates.com