Scriptural references for:

Return unto God who waits for you

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©03/16/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Return unto God who waits for you

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Enter into the Precious Heavenly Father's Presence daily with a heart filled with love, instantly being renewed spiritually by a brief glimpse of His Countenance.
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My eyes have seen the Glory of the Lord and my heart was satisfied.
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Just a moment with Thee, Oh Lord and all my fears and discouragements do flee away like darkness from light.
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Come unto Me sayeth the Lord and all your burdens will be lifted and replaced in an instant by My abounding Love, Joy, and Peace.
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Come! Come! and again I say come unto the Lord our God and there find rest for your troubled souls.
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In God and God alone can you find true peace, true love and true joy.
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Return unto God who waits for you to come like a loving Mother who waits for a wayward child to return home.
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