Scriptural references for:

We can do all things through Christ

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©03/24/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

with God all things are possible

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Brethren, life is a fleeting thing, like a vapor, it will soon pass, and only what you have done for Jesus will last.
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Every time you put off until another day doing the work God has called you to do, it becomes less and less likely that you will ever do it.
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Until there comes the day after your many delays His Voice you no longer hear because He has called another to do the work He called you to do and His Presence you will not find near and dear.
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Jesus said, " you cannot bear fruit except ye abide in Me."
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Without Him we can do nothing.
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We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
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Come! Let us all gather together and walk with God from Whom cometh our strength.
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Remember, with God all things are possible and when we walk with God all things become possible.
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