Scriptural references for:

Let the Light of Your Truth dawn

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Scriptural references for:

Let the Light of Your Truth dawn

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Let your Light shine forth, Oh Lord, until the whole world is illuminated by its glorious rays.
Let the Light of Your Truth dawn like the sunrise after a dreadful night of darkness.

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Then Your holy people will be filled to overflowing withjoy and will break forth with songs of praise like the birds who sing at dawn's early light.
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All darkness will flee away when the bright light of Your Holiness has dawned upon the whole world.
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Yea, you shall come with the vast armies of Heaven all arrayed in the white robes of righteousness and great fear shall enter into the hearts of all the wicked, but the hearts of saints will be willed with great joy.
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Brethren, this is our hope and this is our joy, that Jesus Christ is coming again and He is coming very soon.
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He is coming! He is coming!
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