Scriptural references for:

Come let us adore Him, King of kings

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©11/03/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Come let us adore Him, King of kings

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Come let us adore Him,
    King of kings and Lord of lords,
    the Savior of all mankind,
    the Messiah,
    the Prince of peace,
    the Deliverer of our souls.

(Scripture references under construction)

He does dwell in the heavens,
    from whence He came,
    to where He has returned
    and He will come again to receive us unto Himself
    that where He is we may be also.

(Scripture references under construction)

All power in Heaven and the earth have been given unto Him
    and nothing can happen without Him allowing it,
    in Him you can safely trust
    for He is able to defend you
    and protect you from all harm.

(Scripture references under construction)

Fear not for He is with you always,
    He will never leave you nor forsake you,
    like a good shepherd He defends His flock from all predators and danger
    and in Him they can safely trust.

(Scripture references under construction)

Come let us adore Him, who is Christ our Lord, Jesus.

(Scripture references under construction)