Scriptural references for:

the struggle between virtue and sin

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Scriptural references for:

the struggle between virtue and sin

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Et sic de similibus references:

Everlasting and eternal life hangs in the balance in the struggle between virtue and sin, light versus darkness.
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Jesus Christ came into this world to assist us in the struggle to purge our lives from sin and to enable us to be regenerated and to live sanctified and holy lives.
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Jesus Christ did not come into this world to grant us the license to sin nor to hide our sins from God; He came to purge our lives from sin (regeneration) and to fill our lives full of virtue (sanctification).
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Salvation then requires total repentance from the darkness of sin and a complete surrender to the bright light of living a life filled to overflowing with virtue.
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The darkness of hate is replaced by the bright light of love.
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The darkness of discouragement and despair is replaced by the bright light of hope.
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The darkness of ignorance is replaced by the truth.
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Then we can walk with God. Amen.
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