Scriptural references for:

The greatest manifestation of His Light is Love

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©10/06/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

The greatest manifestation of His Light is Love

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Et sic de similibus references:

This day the Lord our God shall set you free from the powers of darkness and illuminate the pathway of your life with His Light.
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Little children while you have the Light, walk ye in it and choose the Light of God over darkness.
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Jesus Christ is the light of the world and through Him and in Him our lives can be brightly lit both inwardly and outwardly.
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The greatest manifestation of His Light is Love and by this you shall know you walk in the Light when you feel love in your heart for the people around you in your daily life.
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He who says he walks in the Light but hates those who are around him is a liar and is living in darkness and knows not the Light.
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The more love abound in your heart the brighter God's Light is shining in your life.
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Let Love abound. Amen.
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