Abiding in Christ October 22 of Abiding in Christ

His Voice will cause love to fill your heart

Listen to the still small Voice of God and He will teach all things mixed with the spiritual qualities of love and joy.

The inspiring words of His Voice will cause a warm glow of love to fill your heart accompanied by feeling of perfect peace.

Seek to study theology sitting at the feet of our God and let Him teach you in person of Heavenly mysteries and Divine truths.

If you draw nigh unto Him, He will draw nigh unto you.

If any person lacks wisdom let him ask of God and God will send His Spirit of truth to teach him all things and reveal all things causing the darkness of spiritual ignorance to flee away.

God takes great delight in teaching those who draw nigh unto Him with open hearts and minds, and God will pour His Spirit of love and truth without measure upon them.

©10/22/2001 Jim Welch

Original URL:  http://AbidinginChrist.seranates.com