Scriptural references for:

Faith in Christ is the victory

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©10/25/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Faith in Christ is the victory

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Et sic de similibus references:

Let Christ rule in your life and let Him apply His grace to your life that you may become pure even as He is pure and that you may live because He lives.
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He has come into this world that we may have life and that more abundantly.
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He has come to thoroughly purge our lives from sin and to bring all things including us under the subjection to the Father's Feet.
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Jesus had come to bring light into our lives, to illuminate our pathways with love and truth, to make us joint heirs with himself of everlasting life.
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Brethren, in order for Christ to accomplish these things in your life, you must first let Him rule in your life.
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Faith in Christ is the victory that overcomes the world because Jesus never fails.
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