Scriptural references for:

He is with me always

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©10/29/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

He is with me always

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

The Lord is my great Protector and Defender, in Him I can safely trust.
(Scripture references under construction)

He is with me always.
(Scripture references under construction)

Through trials and adversities, in the good times and during the bad times, He is with me.
(Scripture references under construction)

During times of sadness and times of rejoicing, He is with me.
(Scripture references under construction)

When I have suffered failures and defeats or when I have been victorious, He is with me.
(Scripture references under construction)

When I am surrounded by many who love me or when I am alone and rejected, He is with me.
(Scripture references under construction)

At times when I prosper and the harvest is plenteous or in times of drought and poverty, He is with me.
(Scripture references under construction)

When the light shines brightly and truth prevails, or in times of darkness and falsehood abounds, He is with me.
(Scripture references under construction)

The Lord, my God, is faithful and true, He will never leave me nor forsake me.
(Scripture references under construction)

He is with me always. Amen.
(Scripture references under construction)