Scriptural references for:

Begin each day with God

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©09/03/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Begin each day with God

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Et sic de similibus references:

Begin each day with God by getting alone with Him in secret and pray.
(Scripture references under construction)

With God there aren't any special holy days because every day is to be holy and special.
(Scripture references under construction)

Brethren, in as much as it is possible, live a pure and holy life dedicated to Christ and to walking with God.
(Scripture references under construction)

Choose this day whom you will serve, God or money.
(Scripture references under construction)

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
(Scripture references under construction)

Begin each day with God.
(Scripture references under construction)

Let God be first in all things and in all things let Him be first.
(Scripture references under construction)

Walk with God each and every day and each and every day let God walk with you.
(Scripture references under construction)

God will not force His will upon your life, He waits for you to ask Him to do it.
(Scripture references under construction)

Ask and you will receive His council and guidance and the power and might to back it up.
(Scripture references under construction)

Begin each day with God.
(Scripture references under construction)