Scriptural references for:

put on the spiritual vestments of our God

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©09/05/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

put on the spiritual vestments of our God

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Arise and put on the spiritual vestments of our God and live each day for Christ.
(Scripture references under construction)

With the smile of hope, and the determination of faith and motivation of love greet each day with a joyful anticipation of having another day of spiritual victory.
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If we are lacking either in hope, faith or love we will end the day feeling defeated and not with joy.
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Without hope you have conceded defeat before you have even begun.
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Without faith you will lack the power and the spiritual direction to win.
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Without love you will lack the motivation to win.
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To be a champion for the cause of Christ you must abound with love, hope and faith.
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Having all three you will go from victory unto victory in the service of Jesus Christ.
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