Scriptural references for:

A double minded man is unstable

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©09/11/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

A double minded man is unstable

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Be quick to forgive all others the offenses they have done to you;
lest by the harboring some inner bitterness you corrode your own soul.

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Brethren, any bitterness or resentment you have for even one other person in your life can and will diminish the love you feel for everyone else in your life including God.
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Light and darkness, love and hate, cannot both abide in your heart at the same time.
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Brethren, what is in your heart is what will be reflected in your outer life.
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If your heart is filled with bitterness your life will bear bitter fruit.
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Decide this day whether you are going to be loving or hateful person.
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A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and an evil tree cannot bear good fruit.
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A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
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Decide this day to live a holy life with a heart filled full of love.
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