Scriptural references for:

Faith is a window for God's Light

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©04/24/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Faith is a window for God's Light

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Et sic de similibus references:

Faith is a window to let God's Light into your life.
Pull back the blinds of doubt and let the bright sunshine into your life through the window of faith.

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Through that window of faith you can see the palaces and high mountains of the Kingdom of Heaven.
It is by the window of faith the bright sunshine of God's Light lights up the whole household of God.

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Brethren, don't sit in darkness, but arise and fling aside the blinds and the curtains of doubt and let God's Light shine into your lives.
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One man of faith can bring God's bright sunshine of hope to the whole household of God.
Moses did.

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Holy men of faith have had a great impact on the lives of many people throughout the annals of history.
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