Scriptural references for:

Come and discover how the Prophets of old heard

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in the Lexington Hamline area
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©08/22/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Come and discover how the Prophets of old heard

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Hear My Voice and pay heed to it's council.
(Scripture references under construction)

For in it you will find everlasting joy and victory.
(Scripture references under construction)

Salvation is it's fruit.
(Scripture references under construction)

Everlasting life is the inheritance of all who hearken onto it.
(Scripture references under construction)

It is like unto a road map that keeps you from becoming lost.
(Scripture references under construction)

It will guide to My Presence where you will find abounding Love and Peace.
(Scripture references under construction)

Hear my words rendered by the Prophets, the Apostles and the Holy men of old.
(Scripture references under construction)

Hear My Words when I speak directly to you, for I Am a living God and Am not dead.
(Scripture references under construction)

Come and discover how the Prophets of old heard My Voice and Lived.
(Scripture references under construction)