Scriptural references for:

Let God's Light shine into your life

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©08/27/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Let God's Light shine into your life

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Et sic de similibus references:

Let God's Light shine into your life and prefer His Light to darkness.
(Scripture references under construction)

He who walks in the Light does not stumble for he sees where he is going and is able to avoid the pitfalls that many keep falling into.
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God's Grace is a lamp that illuminates the pathway that leads to living a holy and righteous life and by walking in the light of grace we can find our way.
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The more we walk in the light the brighter the light becomes and the more our lives are made holy.
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So than it is faith unto faith and grace unto grace.
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When grace abounds in our lives it will abound the more.
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The more we allow God to change us the more He will change us.
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The more holy we become the more grace is applied.
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