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©12/19/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for: Peace be stillVerbatim references: None They who walk with God have already found peace for their
souls; but they who do not walk with God will never find peace, not in this
world or in the next. Brethren, we do not find peace by seeking to be at peace
with all men; but we find peace, real peace, by seeking to be at peace with
God. Seeking to find peace by establishing peace with all men
would make you the last hold out in the quest for peace, because you couldn't
find peace until everybody else was at peace first. Jesus said, " Peace I leave with
you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives to I give unto you." Be ye subject to our God who is in Heaven and not to the
will of an evil person who seeks to take away your peace because he or she has
no peace within his or her wretched life. Brethren, Jesus said, "Peace be still." |