![]() Jesus never fails Laying aside all things of our lives that in the past hindered our walk with God, let us then begin a new meta thesis with God, resolving within our darkened hearts to begin anew and afresh with Him. Let us this day, seeing that under our own pilotship our lives have been shipwrecked on the twin shoals of human frailties and vanities so many times, resolve in our hearts to at last place Jesus Christ at the helm of our lives. Having then begun our lives anew with Jesus Christ in command, we can safely navigate through the dark and perilous seas of our earthly journey without any fear. Jesus never fails, but we will always fail without Him. For He is able to keep and protect us from all harm. In Him we can safely trust. Amen! ©01/01/2001 Jim Welch Original URL: http://AbidinginChrist.seranates.com |