Abiding in Christ January 06 of Abiding in Christ

Seek no honor for yourself

Let all things be done for the glory of the Lord and nothing for personal vanity.
Let us seek no honor for ourself but seek to bring honor unto God.

Brethren, our God, the Precious Heavenly Father, revealed to the world by Jesus Christ is worthy of all praise and honor both now and forever.

Oh Lord, my God, I will praise Thee in the morning and at the evening tide I will praise Thee.
I will praise Thee all day long and all through the night I will praise Thee.

Come! Let us bestow honor and praise to our God both in word and deed, let us glorify our God.

God is merciful and kind and His Love is the true Light that lights up our lives and makes all things bright.

Glory unto God in the highest. Amen.

©01/06/2001 Jim Welch

Original URL:  http://AbidinginChrist.seranates.com