Scriptural references for:

A lamb who strays from the shepherd

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©1/07/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

A lamb who strays from the shepherd

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Et sic de similibus references:

True deliverance and liberty can only be found by walking with God.

All other walks intrinsically bring you into servitude and bondage.
Only in and by God can we find true freedom for our beleaguered souls.

Yet many they are who choose not to walk with God because they are afraid they might lose the freedom to do as they want, only to fall prey to the worst of all task masters, the weakness of their own flesh and the manifold temptations of Satan.

As a lamb who strays from the shepherd because he is looking for freedom, who is besieged by wolves who devour his flesh, so are we when we leave the Lord.

What kind of freedom is that may I ask?
Yet few they are who realize the great wisdom of continually walking with God.