Scriptural references for:

Knowledge is the better part of valor

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Scriptural references for:

Knowledge is the better part of valor

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Et sic de similibus references:

Knowledge is the better part of valor for it gives us the strength of mind and spirit that enables us to encounter danger with firmness.

There is nothing more frightening than venturing into a dangerous situation and having no idea what we are doing.
Study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that need not be ashamed and try not to learn everything by the school of hard knocks.

Venturing into the dark without the light of the lamp of knowledge can be dangerous.
Not only can you stumble, you could fall off a steep precipice and suffer dire consequences.

Brethren, before you venture into the dark arm yourself with the light of spiritual truth by asking God to send you His Holy Spirit to teach you all things.
Be willing to take the time necessary to properly prepare yourself.