Scriptural references for:

The more we abound toward God

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©1/27/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

The more we abound toward God

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Everything done in life without the motivation of love is meaningless and no reward can be found in Heaven for acts done, no matter how noble, without love.

God does not expect you to be sacrificial, but merciful.
Sacrifice is an act of kindness done toward another without love.
Mercy is an act of kindness done toward another person with love.

The more we abound toward God and other people around us with love, the more meaningful our lives will be and the greater our reward will be in Heaven.

Brethren, let us then resolve that in these dark days of abounding iniquity to be a lighthouse, a bright beacon of the Light of God called love.

Let us then seek to be remembered by others by how loving we were and not by how religious and pious we were.