Scriptural references for:

departing this world in the final exodus

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©07/12/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

departing this world in the final exodus

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Lay not up treasures on earth but lay up for yourself treasures in Heaven.
(Scripture references under construction)

Brethren, soon, very soon we will be departing this world in the final exodus on our way to the Promised Land.
(Scripture references under construction)

What you have laid up for yourself on earth you will leave behind and it will be forever lost.
(Scripture references under construction)

What you have laid up in Heaven you will never lose.
(Scripture references under construction)

Brethren, you cannot serve two masters.
(Scripture references under construction)

If you seek to be rich on earth you cannot have treasure in Heaven.
(Scripture references under construction)

If you seek to be rich in Heaven you will no doubt be poor on earth.
(Scripture references under construction)

Where your treasure is, your heart will be also.
(Scripture references under construction)

If your treasure is on earth your heart will be devoid of the love, joy and peace of God.
(Scripture references under construction)

If your treasure is in Heaven you will overflow with love, joy and peace.
(Scripture references under construction)

These are the things that really count.
(Scripture references under construction)