Scriptural references for:

A good man moves from light to light

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©07/20/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

A good man moves from light to light

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Et sic de similibus references:

The saints understand the power of love and they are motivated by it; the wicked only know fear and it is the driving force in their depraved lives.
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A good man moves from light to light because he loves the Light; an evil man moves from shadow to shadow because he fears the Light.
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God looks at the heart and with the heart we can either please Him or displease Him.
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God delights in the man whose heart is filled with the Love of God and the things of God; but the fearful coward will be the first cast into the lake of fire.
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Brethren, don't be motivated by fear but by love.
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The fearful see God as the God of judgment; the faithful see God as the God of mercy.
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Walk with God in the bond of perfection, love, all the days of your life.
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It's the only way to go.
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