Abiding in Christ June 02 of Abiding in Christ

Prepare for me a banqueting table

Create in me a new heart, Oh Lord.
Make all things new and fresh.

Give me a foretaste of Heaven's delights and cause me to abound in all manner of the fruits of the Spirit.
Cause me to increase in godliness and holiness and set my feet on the pathway of righteousness, Oh God.

Prepare for me a banqueting table in the midst of my enemies that I may feast of Your Heavenly manna in secret to strengthen my spirit and my soul that I may stand in face of afflictions of the oppressor.

Pour out Your Blessings upon me and cause Your Light of truth to shine upon me, Oh Lord.

Purge my life from all evil and renew a right spirit in me.
Restore my bond of fellowship with Thee that I may walk through the day hand in hand with Thee, Oh God.

In Thee, Oh Lord my soul is satisfied.


©06/02/2001 Jim Welch

Original URL:  http://AbidinginChrist.seranates.com