Abiding in Christ June 22 of Abiding in Christ

Abound in the good things of God

Let your heart be filled with joy, your mind filled with hope, your soul filled with peace and your spirit filled with love.

Let your life be filled with God's Power, your work filled with purpose, your cup filled to overflowing and your needs filled with a bountiful supply.

Let your afflictions be fully healed, your social life be filled with many friends, your home filled with children, and your treasury filled with wealth.

Let your thoughts be filled with love for God and love for the people around you, let wisdom and understanding fully abound in you and through you and let God's Holy Spirit abundantly teach you and guide you.

Brethren, I pray that you would abound in the good things of God and that you would be lacking in nothing by God's Holy Provision.


©06/22/2001 Jim Welch

Original URL:  http://AbidinginChrist.seranates.com