Scriptural references for:

Let the light of God shine

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©03/03/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Let the light of God shine

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Let the light of God shine into your life revealing both the good and the bad.
(Scripture references under construction)

Do not flee from the light of God because it makes you aware of your sin, but use the light to reprove you of your sin and remove the sin from your life.
(Scripture references under construction)

There is nothing about sin that is worth keeping or holding unto.
(Scripture references under construction)

The darkness of bitterness, hate, worry, strife, turmoil, stress, anxiety and despair are all like rust and corruption that gradually will destroy the beauty of your life.
(Scripture references under construction)

It is just not worth it to try to retain your sin by fleeing from the Light of God.
(Scripture references under construction)

Walk in the Light of the Holy Spirit and be purified and cleansed by His Light of Revelation.
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Without God's Light all would be darkness.
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