©05/14/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
The Lord is the Master over all things
Verbatim references:
Et sic de similibus references:
The Lord is the Master over all things;
the quick and the dead,
the birds that chirp in the trees and the flowers that grow in the fields,
little children who laugh and play and men who labor at earning a living,
the stars that shine in the night and the sunrises bathed in all their beautiful colors,
the rain that brings it's life giving water and the sunlight that makes the plants to grow,
the angels of the Heavens and the powers and principles of nature,
the things that are past and the things yet to come,
sickness and health and prosperity and poverty.
(Scripture references under construction)
Yea, the Lord is the Master over all things whether we chose
Him to be or not.
(Scripture references under construction)
(Scripture references under construction)