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©08/21/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for: the vast storehouse of God's Heavenly wisdomVerbatim references: None Little do we know of the vast storehouse of God's Heavenly
wisdom that stretches from horizon to horizon. The sum total of all the knowledge that mankind has
apprehended is but a drop in a vast ocean of truth. The realms of mysteries yet to be discovered far out weigh
those that have been partially unveiled. Brethren, with all your might get wisdom and understanding
and diligently seek after knowledge and truth like a prospector searches for
gold. A man of wisdom is welcomed at many doors while an ignorant
man is turned away. Wisdom and understanding is an ornament of grace and honor
around the neck of the person who has it. Brethren, study to show thyself a
workman, both in the Kingdom of Heaven
and in our earthly occupations, that need not be ashamed. Get wisdom. |